孙雷 (Lei Sun)
教授; Professor
硕士生导师(国际发展); Postgraduate Tutor (International Development)
E-mail: S1511796@163.com
Office:610,Administration Building,Shungeng Campus
Mailing Address: # 40 Shungeng Road, School of International Trade and Economics, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan, Shandong, P.R. China. 250014
学习与工作经历 (Education and Work Experiences):
2002-2006 年 英国里丁大学经济学博士 (Ph.D, University of Reading, UK)
2000-2002年 英国伦敦政治经济学院 经济学史硕士 (Master degree, The London School of Economics and Political Science)
1996-1999年 中国财政部财政科学研究所研究生部 经济学硕士 (Master degree, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences, 1999)
1994-1996年 中国政法大学 经济法专业毕业 (Undergraduate, China University of Political Science & Law, 1996)
研究方向 (Research Interests):
国际发展 (International Development)
发展经济学(Development Economics)
论文 (Papers):
在国际发展领域的学术期刊 《International Journal of Technology and Globalisation》(SCI)、《中国财政研究》等学术期刊发表学术文章。
课题与著作(Research Subjects and Works ):
Book: Economic Growth and Development- Chinese Agribusiness and Enterprises Development, Palgrave Macmillan Publisher, 2020
联合国非洲经济和社会理事会经济委员会高级别专家组报告专家(expert for agricultural and rural transformation recognized by the United Nations Economic and Social Council-Economic Commission for Africa in 2012)
联合国非洲经济和社会理事会经济委员会特设专家组的专家合作撰写‘非洲农业农村发展在全球化下的政策机遇和挑战的’专家报告, 2012;(Co-author, Report expert Ad hoc Expert Group’s for Africa’s Agriculture and Rural Development: Policies and Challenges and Opportunities, 2012)
主持了联合国开发计划署和国家发展和改革委员会城市和小城镇改革发展中心合作的‘促进农民工及其家庭社会融入的政府能力建设’的课题项目 2009-2010。 (Leader of the project team for “Building up Government Capacity for Rural Migrant Family into Cities in China” sponsored by United Nations Development Program Beijing Office, 2009-2010).
学术及社会兼职 (Professional Affiliations):
曾任国际学术期刊审稿人 (Referee for International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology)。